Quietly Changing Lives
Archived Newsletter

November 2015
Someone Cares is a faith ministry, supported by God's love and your gifts. It is a non- profit corporation; all donations are tax-deductible.

Don & Yvonne McClure

PDF November 2015


We deal with so many different folks and beliefs, some forget God kicked Satan out of heaven and gave him the earth. We here at Someone Cares Prison Ministry are working hard to contact all the folks that have - at one time or another - been a part of this ministry. Many have not been an active part for a while but are recommitting themselves. We have reached out to churches and spoken to many new folks and new pastors. All agree that many �signs of the times� show Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled and we are closer and closer to HIS return. The Mansion can be a pup tent as long as we all are there. Each of us can and must make a difference, and we hope that each of you reading this newsletter will share this information. We need to let you know that you many write your inmate after they get out and many people do. Our growth is amazing. Many have asked about credit card donations. Our web page has a spot for this. Please visit us at Also, Pay Pal does a nice job and sends your donations directly to our bank.


We watched an event on TV that bought tears to our eyes. A man was convicted of a crime he did not commit. This is very common. The prosecutor wanted to win and admitted he should have corrected a lot of mistakes. The defense was a clerical attorney, not criminal. The man was sentenced to death and lived on Death Row for 30 years. A cold case but a correction should be made. The person that did this crime confessed and proved he did it. The man who spent 30 years in prison was dying of cancer. He was released to a half way house worse than prison and the state gave him $20.00 dollars. He spent $13.87 for a dinner and died a day later of cancer. A group is trying to get something more than $20.00 for his relatives, if found. The state said he did have some crimes not tried for and they would have to be cleared up?? How?


This month, we need for you to please try to influence someone younger to just look into our ministry, to read about what we do, or at least read this newsletter. We have the power to help save someone�s life or at least make their day a little brighter. Take this ministry into your church or into your Bible study group. If someone is looking for a way to help others or get closer to the Lord, this ministry is a perfect way to accomplish that. Anyone that has any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by phone, e-mail or writing us a letter. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. God Bless.

Jake�s Corner

This month I would like to touch on two subjects. One being the injustice of our justice system. My father, as some of you know, has been in prison for going on 15 years. The state of Michigan, along with many other states, does not have good time or time served. He is coming up on his parole date here in a few months. We all have high hopes that he gets out. But there are many others that have to travel a different road for something they didn�t do. In 2014, 23% of the 2 million inmates in America are innocent. Simply in the wrong place at the wrong time or involved with the wrong people. People in the justice system along with our society need someone to be held accountable for a crime committed. In some cases, even if there isn�t solid proof, a prime suspect will get hit for that reason. Someone needs to be held accountable. In prison, life is hard. I�m sure you can imagine. It is hard for people to go in there and just lay low. If you aren�t with a gang or in solitary you are in danger. If you�re white you could be targeted by a black gang or if you black targeted by a white gang. It�s the way prison is. There are some prisons that are controlled by the prisoners because so many guards have been killed. Guards basically just gave up and locked the prisoners in. Mexican gangs like MS13, black gangs like the Gorillas, and white gangs spend days trying to out do the other. Nothing to do with either group in power? Very horrible things. Raped or forced to live in a worse kind of captivity. People need this ministry to give them that little bit of light. A lot of people turn to gangs for safety, for someone to have their back in rough situations. Its not guaranteed that you will make it out of prison alive. There are no contracts you get to sign saying you will be kept safe or anything like that. People have gone to prison on charges of theft or burglary for trying to steal food for their family to eat because they didn�t have the money, and they are thrown in a cage with a different kind of human and forced to survive. This is why I don�t classify people just because they are in prison. You don�t know what kind of person he really is.


Folks, we see so much that simple folks can do. Not going into what Jake wrote about as that can be dangerous, but from the comfort and safety of your home. You can reach into prison with Paper Sunshine. Nancy told us she finally got to writing and was shocked by how easy it was. It takes about 20 minutes to write a letter. Someone who uses a computer, even less. I will admit writing inmates got me back to the Bible again and it became a learning experience for me. I listened to Don and Yvonne at our church. This ministry is doing a real job in changing inmate�s lives.

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Ask any thing in HIS name and I did, and Christ came into my life. I was released from eleven years in prison. I had no money, no place to live. I was able to get a job with a construction company. Without a car, things were tough. I prayed and was able to buy an old clunker. It took a year but I got a room to rent and joined a church. Church is not always a friendly place, and it took awhile to be accepted. I would like a couple of Pen Friends. Give Yvonne a hug and my love to you. A lot of inmates are getting out and those that make it will have God in their corner, Buster

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I am ashamed to make this call. My name is Judy and over a year ago you sent me three names to write to. I remember all the things Don told me. I got busy and forgot all about it. Yesterday I came across the information with letter I had written but did not mail. Paper Sunshine. I mailed them in the enclosed envelope. If I don�t get an answer will you trust me to try again?

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What a blessing. Several months ago you sent me and my family 3 names. We wrote as a family to all. My son and daughter - teens - really got a blessing. We would like three more names, If possible near us so if all goes well we can also visit. I will talk to our pastor also.


We are going to try to promote programs that work and help the inmates not return to Prison. 1 - Remedial Reading. 2 - Bible studies dress out program. 3 - Substance abuse programs. We can stir up interest. The prison agrees. Then we need the people to do the work. God will help. I had to learn some 40 years ago. I learned while I taught with Yvonne�s help. Staff in prison rarely get friendly with inmates. There are rules to follow and often staff does not.

We walk the halls of many a prisons and see and hear lonely tough convicts. Glenn was from a well to do family. He got mixed up with drugs. He was sentenced to 20 years. His family was well off so they sent him things - many of them stolen by gangs. He reported the theft and staff asked who did it.? If he told he would be killed. He went no further. The last label an inmate wants is snitch, putting his life in danger.


As a youngster this was my motto. As a young run away I was full of hate and anger. When Jesus came into my life all this changed. When Jesus led us to this ministry he was always the solid rock, never sinking sand. There are so many young folks in prison and only Jesus can set them straight. That is why we need some younger writers. Wars and rumors of war - turn on a TV and all we see is destruction. The land Jesus walked is almost all a war zone. We are trying to elect a president and see signs on total confusion. So many promises made - few kept. I would never try to lead who to vote for. But please vote. When we first went in and got into the latest mess in the far east I sent an idea to Washington, but ? In prison today are thousands of trained volunteers. Most are serving time for drug offences. They would gladly volunteer to get out of prison and this would also save millions. If the government would open up Boot Camps and send those with minor offences, there again a savings.

More Letters

I doubt if ever expected to hear from me. You came to my cell while I was on suicide watch. I was sent to prison for murder. I killed a man who raped my sister. Being in a cell 23 hours a day thinking about nothing, no one to talk to, no visits, no TV. The two hours you spent with me opened a door that had been nailed shut years ago. You promised someone would write me and sure enough a month later I got a visit. I also received a Pen Friend and a bible study. I grew up in a Christian family. My prayer now is they will forgive and contact.
Jim Vaughn

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We admit it was difficult. We supported your ministry when we heard you on the radio and saw you on TV. We had thought that we were not doing what God asked, but when you matched us with Jim Vaughn we were a bit scared. His answer to our first letter was really neat. He is a nice person. We got cleared for visiting, and we really prayed. You took the time to escort us to the visiting area, then you introduced us to Jim. We became friends writing and visiting. Two other families got Pen Friends and visited their Pen Friend�s. I know a lot who get your newsletter, and we prayerfully ask you to write someone in Prison. I remember at your meeting you wrote �God� on the board and told us there are two words in �God� - go and do. In Jesus name go do.
The Bellamys.

Happy Thanksgiving

We will pray that you and yours will find the blessing
Thanksgiving is meant to be.
We sure have a lot to be thankful for.
Yvonne is healing slowly.
My problem is gone and I�m just getting older.
Ronna has had several surgery�s and is moving along.
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