Vol. 2002 No. 9 September 2002 |
Directors |
Someone Cares Home PageTHIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME...
But the house the Lord provided for us in Fort Wayne, Indiana, is until He comes. God really moves fast! Pen Friends and Supporters, our new address is in the left-hand column. Please make a note of it right away, and call your inmate�s attention to it also, to help the transition go smoothly.
Our dear friends, no words can explain the joy Yvonne and I have in the move we made to Fort Wayne. Great things are about to happen as Satan did everything to stop this move. Everything Satan threw at us, God blocked. For the second time we had to show that we are paid by God's people and Praise HIS name you are loyal. Those of you new to our ministry: we are not paid by any church, prison or state, but free-will offerings from you.
Bankers think, �What if they don�t?� but we do, thanks to you. Believing in God, we packed and got ready for the move. The engine in Yvonne�s car went to its rest ( we do need a good used car). We loaded a big U-Haul with a trailer, had to go back for a little more, and headed north to Fort Wayne. After closing, we drove to the new home where a bunch of church folks were waiting to help us unload. _What a Joy Divine!_ Even a bunch of our new neighbors pitched in. Before a box was unpacked, we dedicated the home to God in prayer; ever lay hands on a house? The next day another pastor moved in across the street.
As I write this there are three huge piles of mail, which I will try to finish right away. Folks, on your mail to us, have your real name/Pen name and your real address. On mail to your inmate have your real name, Pen name and our new PO Box. Please, folks inmates are writing to you not us. Do not use nick names or first names, i.e., Kay, Kip, Barb.
Every time God has relocat-ed either ourselves or the ministry there have been highs and lows. This move will open many doors and hearts for Jesus. I have never feared as we have the God kind of faith. We also can look at the news and see the stock market, war effort. The Bible says "Ask In MY name" so here goes. We do need your financial support, not to keep going but to keep growing.
Joyce sent this note: " I have received your newsletters since 1979, they were really bad but Spirit filled. I have been blessed by them. I have never given. Being on a fixed income I had to think. On my way to make breakfast, I stubbed my toe on the penny jar; enclosed in $77.00 dollars to take Jesus into prison.� Widows and Widows Mites, come on in.
We received a phone call from a long-time supporter. He asked me if I had the chance to reach the man who kidnapped, raped, and killed the little girl in California would we?
He said "I had just written you a check but now I�m tearing it up!?�
Really! I wonder how he will explain that to Jesus? Folks we deal with some of the worst in the world. We don�t hand pick those we try to help. The Bible is clear on punishment and I take it for granted Jesus knows what he is doing.
Reminds me of a man a long time ago who, at a Camp Meeting, hearing me speak, wrote me a check for $1,000 (a few of those would help this move). Later he attended another meeting we held. I told the group about a man (in his town) who had kidnapped and raped a young couple, then killed them both. He ate their hamburgers after the act. He was caught and sentenced to die. Jesus came into his life and miracles happened. Very few folks have done as much good on top of bad. The man came up to me after the meeting and said " If he gets out don�t bring him to my church!�
As much as we needed it, I gave him back his check. Several years later we did a radio show and the man in question had earned a release. We again talked about the good done after the bad. We received a check from that man for double the amount. Folks, a lot of men and women in prison use and abuse Jesus. With our program we try to shield you from all the problems. Jesus taught Yvonne and I never to see a man or woman as they were, or as they are, but as they can be through HIM. I often think, then thank Jesus, of where I would be if not for HIM. As much as I don�t like what I was, I am thankful that my background makes our job easier. I will soon be reading inmate mail again and we see some of you struggling with the differences in your lives. Keep on keeping on.
We are asked what the letter means on your label. (p) means you once wrote and we have no idea if you are still. (f) means you once supported us and we pray you do again. (w) means we think you are writing, and (d) means you are a recent or regular donor.
Nancy writes: It�s time to drop a line. I really enjoy the newsletters. You mention letters on labels � none on mine. Boo Hoo. My writing to both guys is going very well.
Barb writes: Time to come clean. The Holy Spirit had me thinking of you a week before the newsletter came. When I joined I was young and later used many excuses not to write. Also I was writing to male inmates without telling my husband. [This is too common.] Don, please match my male inmate and match me with a female
From Carol: I promised if God supplied me with an income I would write an inmate. To start, here is a donation. I have been writing an inmate through a friend. Can I write him through you? [YES! J]
Laurel writes: I have never been able to understand how anyone who knows Jesus can not get involved with Prison Ministry.
Dorothy from Canada: With the difference in money, is it best to send a check or cash? With the rate of exchange cash is better. We often get used clothing from Canada as the stores we buy from support diabetics. [Checks may also be made out for U.S.$___ amounts. Your bank will translate it to the correct exchange rate.]
Shirley writes: Reading "Each One Reach One" is perfect for the Pen Friend Program. Thanks.
For all kinds of reasons, from all kinds of churches, we are receiving partial tithe. We have never asked for it and am not now. But where you put your gift is between you and God. Thanks.
_WHERE DO THEY GO: But to the Lord?_
I grew up bounced from one foster home to another. Full of hate and anger, I ran away to make my niche in life. Guns. Gangs. Hate. All a way of life. No such thing as _"Happy Happy Home"_ We have all watched the events since 9/11 and have a right to be scared. I see funds for this, funds for that. Crime Prevention? Like in the depression, hate and gangs go together. Gang activity, slowed way down in California, has rapidly increased. We lost the war on drugs and with employment cuts, our prisons are going to be filling to more than over-crowded. Hate breeds hate and then violence. We have in the past predicted riots and do so again.
Terry has been in prison for 9-1/2 years. He is getting out in three weeks. He has no place to stay, no money, no job and must parole to the county of commitment. His chance of making it: Jesus. The seed you plant can make a difference. You may never know until you get to Heaven what you may have done here.
I was a bad kid in Redwood City. I met another kid staying with a neat family. I used to go over as much as I could because they were happy. Stan, my friend, never got beaten, and learned a trade. He grew up well. I was not so lucky. Take time to hug your kid and grand kid. Give them a foundation they can set their feet into, built on a Rock.
My dear friends, be very careful of the Internet. It even shocked me when I went to see how far I could go. I was embarrassed at some of the conversations. The Bible says that to look with lust is adultery. Go to a mall and see how young folks are dressed. Talk to your kids about good and bad touches early in life. Learn about AIDS and some of the wild things going on.
A young girl on Angel Dust (a come-back drug) fried her baby in cooking oil. Art Linkletter�s son tried to fly and did not make it. If the home fires are not lit, and the head of the household in charge, the pits of Hell will be running over.
Our move has been a joy for me, for a minister's daughter who wanted to live in one house for the rest of her life and never move! Some of you are wondering why anyone wouldn't want to move, see places, meet people. This is true�you do all of that and more�but if only I could let you know how nice it is to hang something up knowing I won't have to take it down, pack it, and take the chance of it being broken. The real truth of all of this is that all we have on this earth are only material things that don't begin to com- pare to what God is preparing for us in Heaven. I'm anxious to make that move to Heaven.
It was such a joy as we chatted with the church members to hear of a real interest in prison ministry. It was also nice to know that, within an hour of our home, there are three prisons where we are more than wanted, where, without a doubt, we will go since Don being out of prison is somewhat like a fish being out of water.
Keep that paper sunshine coming as we try to do the Lord's work and hasten His soon return. We will be praying for each of you, and please keep us in your prayers.
Get all excited and shout it from the mountain tops that Jesus is coming again soon! If not us who, If not now when, if not here where? Im so glad to be a part of the Family of God!
PAPER SUNSHINEAttention all Pen Friends: Please, if you are using a pen name, send us a slip with your pen name AND real name. Again, ask your inmate friend to send letters only and NOT chapel tracts. We have to pay postage when we receive it and when we forward. Do not put stickers on envelopes to them.
When we left Columbus, I put in a change of address for us and the ministry. A teller at the Post Office took it upon herself to not put change into effect as our P.O. box was still open. What a mess. When we went back for the last load of the move, we had to go back by the Columbus Post Office to pick up two tubs of mail.
GODLY KIND OF FAITH Sometimes when we have moved we lost a few folks. We have asked, in God�s name, for all our Faith Partners to stick with us. Many great things are about to happen and we need you. Please remember: BECAUSE OF YOU, SOMEONE CARES.
Thank you for the wonderful broadcast this morning, What an awesome ministry you are doing and the gift that you are giving to those who are in trouble and see no way out. I have been listening to the Voice of Prophecy broadcast for about four years. I love PLR and listen to Wenatchee, Wa. Station KPLW 89.9. I would like to have you send me information on how I could be of help to your ministry. This is a big step for me as I am a born again Christian, but one who just recently understands what it means to truly give my life to Christ and allow God to do His almighty work in me.
I have studied the Bible for a very long time but without a clear and unbiased under-standing of what God is saying and how I am supposed to live until just recently. I am reading G. Edward Reid's book : "Ready or Not, Here He Comes". What a wonderful book. Makes a person truly think about life, purpose and God's divine plan.
If you could write to me, I would like to see if I could help. Thank you again for your ministry. Sincerely, Kip
MY NAME IS NOBODYI am not sure why I�m writing but the Chaplain said it might help, I'm Barbara and I am 26 years old. I came to prison several months ago for a crime I had to commit.
To get out of a very abusive home, I married at 17�of course, pregnant. We had the child aborted and shortly after that my husband found greener pastures. I bounced in and out of trouble, drugs, alcoholic, sex. I was busted by a couple of cops, one of them pretty nice to me. I served 30 days and when released, he looked me up. We went out a couple of times and everything was great. He asked me to move in with him and I jumped at the chance.
The second I moved in, he became a different man. He wanted all kinds of kinky stuff all the time. He beat me and abused me until I told his boss. Then all hell broke loose, and in fear of my life, I killed him with one of his guns.
No one believed me and the judge gave me life without [parole]. I never thought that prison could be such a horrible place. I could tell you things I have seen but will not because of fear. I have been forced into sex acts here by both inmates and staff. I attempted suicide but failed at that also.
A female inmate befriended me. She is a Christian, I�m not. She has helped me learn the ropes. If you tell on anyone in here, they will get you. Wendy told me about you guys and here I am.
We will tell you at another time what all Barbara went through. We were lucky and got a neat couple a half hour away from her prison to visit. A bunch of kids are writing her, and we ask you to pray for her. Life is a very long time.
Shirley and I are always amazed at the sense of artistry inmates seem to possess. From the beautiful works of art made from common matches, to the lush flower and vegetable garden plots on the prison campus, God seems to multiply their talents and reward their efforts as they tenderly nurture these areas of color. [My hibiscus is still producing bloom after scarlet bloom], and one of the guards called our attention to one at the corner of a building, a dinner-plate flower of intense rose color. Lawns are off-limits, but we�d like a cutting from this bush, perhaps through the Volunteer Director.
I seem to be a perpetual student, as we should all be, of Creation. God has said that He�s given us herbs for food. Herbs are the grasses and fruits that carry their seeds within them-selves. In Kansas, it seems to be customary to eat the seeds with the watermelon. At a health lecture, the speaker said not to eat just the seed of a fruit, as was popular during the laetrile craze, but the whole fruit with it. God�s food supply was created in balance, and I believe we are not to commit adultery by extracting one constituent from a plant or tree to call medicine.
One of my neighbors thought I should clear out the �weeds� in my flower bed, but after reading a well-illustrated book on herbs, discovered that most of the plants out there are actually useful! Isn�t God good? ...
Please pray for all those in prison. God�s angels outnumber the evil angels two to one, and they are happy to fight off a few demons. If we pray for them to intercede, they can do that whether the inmate asks for the same thing or not. Somewhere deep inside each of us is a link to God. The trick is to trigger the connection. All the stories in this newsletter that grip your heart are those where the inmate was resistant to the inner voice cal-ling, but opened the heart�s door just far enough for Jesus to come in and change that life. And do pray for and support Someone Cares. I don�t remember when I came on board for the newsletter but it�s a labor of love that God has given me, and has been a great blessing in my life.